Last release: Published date: 2016/10/20 MD5: d021f45655f3ab077c5cd73395b1f970 | Code Signed: Snippery for Mac is Developer ID Signed. Supported macOS: 10.7 and later |
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Also available on the Mac App Store for US $9.99! (*) |
* Please, read the Mac App Store release notes BEFORE purchase! The App Store release / features may not match those found on the regular edition. Take into consideration that the Mac App Store release is available usually several days after the regular edition is downloadable from this website; this is due to the Apple approval process pace, and the glitches/stoppers they can find during such process. |
Snippets manager… and beyond!
Snippery provides the best features from a snippets manager app, mixed with the most useful editing features and salted with the a lot of advanced (and very productive!) features oriented to help you every day.
Using Snippery you will save a lot of keystrokes and repetitive work thanks to the “Text Expander” feature! Define text templates, use placeholders, and “expand” them when you need to use them… typing only the text that really changes.
Write your snippets using Markdown syntax, apply style format, insert images, links, tables… and export them as PDF, Word, Pages, RTF or HTML files.
Preview your Snippets (with Markdown syntax, HTML or plain text) with a simple clic of the mouse, switching from Preview Mode to Edition Mode on the Main Window… or use the dedicated Preview Window instead.
Save all your private and sensible data from prying eyes thanks to the strong Encryption feature! and, with the automatic Lock feature, all your snippets will be safe when Snippery detects no activity for the adjusted idle time; or force the Lock window with a simple keystroke every time you go away from your Mac!
Filter the listed snippets by the searching criteria you want: any, title, text, tags; for any of the included date presets (day, week, month and year) or by any date range you choose! Then Sort the matching results by creation date, modification date or title in ascending or descending order, and you are done!
Snippery has a lot of new features, improvements and fixes! Read about them in the Release Notes page.
Your data, secure and safe
Data security is paramount in Snippery, so the Encryption feature uses a 128 bits ciphering scheme to hide all sensible data. Moreover, you can decide not to save the password on the System Keychain. This way, anyone who runs Snippery has to enter the password in order to access the data. Besides, you can use the Command + Option + L shortcut and you will Lock immediately the access to the app, as Snippery does automatically after the established idle time on the app Preferences.
Syntax Highlighting and Color Schemes!
Snippery supports Syntax Hightlighting for HTML, JavaScript, PHP and Xojo programming languages. In combination with the Color Schemes feature, it is possible to customize the way you want to view your code while editing it!
Find additional information about these features here.
At a Glance
Start to collect, write new text snippets or use instead the features that lets you import files as snippets directly from compatible files. Download and save web pages as snippets directly from the entered URL, or create a new text snippet from the output generated while running the Shell feature in manual or scripting mode! Of course, you’ll be able to tag them too, so it will be easier to find and filter them later!
Who said that snippets are just a matter of a few text characters? Snippery supports pages and pages of pure text for each entry, applying on them all the edition operations and navigation shortcuts in the blink of an eye (ok, sometimes… maybe it takes two!).
Besides, you can also apply a good amount of text operations on the selected entry.
Text Expander Editor
Use all the power of this feature to create dynamic templates that you can expand later typing just a few characters! Text Expander entries can contain placeholders that you can substitute with the real content during the expansion process. You can think about that like some kind of variables inserted in the template and whose values you’ll assign at a later time. This way a same template can expose several key texts when you’re ready to use them!
Create new Text Expander entries from scratch or from current text selection!
Find and Replace: All the Power of RegEx inside!
Use the Find and Replace feature to find any text on the selected snippet. It is possible to use regular text searchs and substituions, or use all the power and flexibility provided by RegEx patterns! In both cases it is possible to save the used parameters and expressions, so you can recall them for a further use.
Watch this video to see Find and Replace (using a RegEx expression) in action!
Filtering options
Use a lot of options for data filtering. For instance, limit the listed snippets to those that matches the typed text only for the Title, the snippet text or any of the associated tags.

Combine these filtering options with the date modification of the Snippets! For this second filtering option, you can use the available date presets: Today, Yesterday, Last Week, Last Month and Last Year. So just need to select any of these entries from the popup menu to list all the matching Snippets by modification date! This is really handy when you have a lot of snippets managed and want to focus on those you’ve been working recently.
But if you need to be more precise about the time period you want to use as filtering option, then just have to select the “Select Period…” option from the date filtering popup menu to access the window where you can select the starting date and ending date!
Finally, sort the filtered results by “Creation Date”, “Modification Date” or “Title” as criteria, both in ascending or descending mode.
HTML Preview… and edition!
Preview every downloaded webpage… and even edit and see on the fly all the changes applied! From one side, this is the best way to preserve the content of a webpage that you are interested in. From other side, you can use Snippery to sketch some HTML ideas and check how they look in real time.
Watch this short video to see how it works!
Automatize Shell Sequence Commands Execution!
For all those Geeks and Shell lovers our there… there is a really powerful mode inside Snippery that brings as many shell windows you may need to unleash your mojo! From executing remote commands over an SSH session (with password pause detection) and saving the resultin output, to typing all those arcane commands for listing directories or to execute and merge more complex scripts.
The best of all is that you can create your own automated shell scripts from Snippery! No rocket-science needed, just have to add the commands you want to execute and reorder them in the wanted secuence; you can include even any of the text expansions added to Snippery during the Shell script creation! The “Run Shell” scripts can be created from scratch or using the history of already typed commands from the current Shell session.
Watch this video to see Shell automation in action!
This way, you can combine in a single shell script all the power to reproduce a sequence of commands with the flexibility to modify on the fly some of the parameters represented by the placeholders used during the Text Expander entry definition, as showed in this video.
Snippery for Mac is Developer ID Signed.