Snippery 1.1 will bring some big new features and also lots of improvements. For instance, we’ve saw already how next release focuses on some great security options. Now I want to show you the improvements related with the entries filtering.
With the current Snippery release you can filter the entries whose text, title or tag matches the typed text; so once you clic the Filter button (or push the Intro key), the entries list only shows all the matching snippets. Not bad.
But there is a lot of improvement space to this feature! So I decided it was time to introduce some changes in this area for the 1.1 release.
So with Snippery 1.1 you’ll be able to do a lot of combinations on filtering. For instance, you’ll be able to limit the listed snippets to those that matches the typed text only for the Title, the snippet text or any of the associated tags.
In addition, you will be able to combine these filtering options with the date modification of the Snippets! For this second filtering option, you can use the available date presets: Today, Yesterday, Last Week, Last Month and Last Year. So just need to select any of these entries from the popup menu to list all the matching Snippets by modification date! This is really handy when you have a lot of snippets managed and want to focus on those you’ve been working recently.
But if you need to be more precise about the time period you want to use as filtering option, then just have to select the “Select Period…” option from the date filtering popup menu to access the window where you can select the starting date and ending date!
Sorting options
Since I published this post, I had time to add another improvement to this feature so you’ll be able to order the filtered results by “Creation Date”, “Modification Date” or “Title” as criteria, both in ascending or descending mode.

So this picture reflects the new and updated user interface with this changes already applied.
I’m sure you will find these options really useful!