Snippery 1.2 Sneak Preview: Creating snippets from any app

Besides bug fixes and improvements on already available features, Snippery 1.2 will bring some nice new features to the mix!

For example, one of the most requested is syntax coloring for the most popular programming languages (and Xojo between them, of course!), so I’m obliged and starting with 1.2 you will be able to use syntax coloring for snippets with HTML, PHP, JavaScript and Xojo (more to come).

But Snippery core functionallity is about snippets creation and management, isn’t? So I thought it was time to make this more flexible when you’re interested in creating a new snippet from any app.

Starting with Snippery 1.2 you can use the new menu item “Snippery” on Finder’s menu bar. With this menu, Snippery will automate the creation of a new snippet with the text selection from the frontmost window of the current application.

But these are just some of the new features waiting for you on next Snippery release! Meantime, maybe you want to learn what you can use already to make you daily work more productive, reading about the current Snippery features!

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